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走读山东·感知济南 | 夏日“烟火气”升腾,外籍友人漫步济南老巷芙蓉街开启特色美食之旅

济南国际传播中心2023-05-26 14:58


  To know a city well, one should start with the old streets. The long history of this city’s wax and wane has usually been mixed with these old streets, becoming the concentrated essence. The influence of modern civilization makes Jinan so energetic that her true age cannot been revealed. When people talk about the old streets in Jinan, it is inevitable to mention the Furong Street, which is “a never-faded scene”. The Furong Street, starting from the Quancheng Road in the south to the South Entrance of West Huaqiangzi Street in the north, gained its name for the Furong Spring located in the west road of the street. As an ancient Chinese poem said “Living in the old house covered by green moss, I saw fishes swimming under the moving waterfall. Facing the green pool with lotus in blossom, I sat beside table writing my book under the flower shade.”It is the Furong Spring which is one of the most famous 72 springs in Jinan that this delicate poem praises.

  5月23日,来自泰国的山东建筑大学留学生Bethany张柏嘉Keeratikorn Yaemputtakhun、来自吉尔吉斯斯坦的留学生Muhammad、来自乌兹别克斯坦的济南大学留学生马丁KHAITOV MAGRUR、来自老挝的济南大学留学生蓝玲、来自刚果的留学生高兴Lehman,来到了济南芙蓉街开启了一场“济南味儿”的美食之旅,华灯初上,夜色渐浓,泉城特色老街芙蓉街迎来一天中最热闹的时刻。外国友人们悠然地脚踏着石板路,品尝着炸肉串、烤鱿鱼、水果捞等各色美食,亲身体验各种潮玩、彩绘等项目;体会着古城片区有看不尽的风景、说不尽的故事、和享不尽的浪漫,共同感受着这座城市夏夜持续升腾的“烟火气”。

  On May 23, the Furong Street in Jinan held a “Jinan-style”trip of cuisines to welcome its guests including Shandong Jianzhu University overseas students Bethany, Keeratikorn Yaemputtakhun(Zhang Bojia), Muhammad from Kyrgyzstan, Jinan University oversea students Martin Khaitov Magrur from Uzbekistan, Lanling from Laos and Lehman(Gao Xing) from Congo. The lights just beginning to shine and the evening deepening, the characteristic old street of Spring City, Furong Street,was greeted by its liveliest moment in the whole day. The foreign friends

  sauntered along the rocky road, tasted fried chicken shashliks, roasted squid legs, and yogurt with mixed-fruit, and experienced various kinds of activities such as popular games and painting. Appreciating the countless beautiful scenes, stories and romance of this old district, they felt the consistently increasing atmosphere of Summer life here.


  Furong Street is well known to all Quancheng people. With the promotion of Jinan's status at home and abroad, the once prosperous Furong Street has gained a higher reputation. International and domestic friends and tourists have reached a consensus that if they don't come to Furong Street, it means they don’t come to Jinan. The city of Jinan, for example, combines simplicity with modernity. Just like Jinan people, in the rush of modern life, still maintain a warm and simple personality.


  The jagged buildings stand beside the lake, with high eaves and exquisitely carved windows emitting a unique charm... Walking in the quiet and simple ancient city of Jinan, a historical picture of Jinan's 2700 years of construction unfolds slowly. In recent years, as an area with the most concentrated historical relics, characteristics and profound cultural accumulation in Jinan, the ancient city area of Jinan represented by Furong Street not only exhibits the style of spring city with "every family has spring water and poplars", but also forms a unique "cultural treasure house" of Jinan due to the historical relics and cultural resources inherited for thousands of years. It also attracts more and more tourists from all over the world to “clock-in”here, bringing its unique "cultural temperament and business card" to the world stage.

  (济南国际传播中心记者:刘晓涵 摄影:刚永超 翻译:山东大学公译平台、山东大学外国语学院 孙鲁燕)