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Year of the dragon is back on stage, luck comes

大众网2024-02-06 09:45

  The music of the drums and thechantingof the prosperous world,Let'ssingand dancetogetherto celebratethisfestival!

  February 2, the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month,marksthe Little New Year in the north.InCaomiaozi, Lingang District,anextraordinary"Blessing in the Year of the Dragon" tousherinthe Chinese New Year is beingjoyouslystaged.At 7:58 a.mIn therhythmictempoof gongs and drums,Four long dragons opened the prelude to thegrandnews,Thecolossaldragon sometimes coiled the sea of clouds, andattimesthe dragonsoared,powerfulandbright, winningheartfeltapplause on the scene.

  If the dragon danceoffersvisualamazement,Sovibrantscene performances such as riding a donkey and rowing a dry boatsendeveryoneintofitsoflaughteranddoublethejoy!Alsorivetingare playing waist drums, fan dances, and yangko...Theentirelive report route is "bountiful"withthe rise of the economy,Urbantransformation"dundant wish",Precisionadministration"auspicious blessing".

  The four "blessing" plates of "Jufu" for people's livelihood protection,In the form of floating float dashboards,Are a visual representation of the rise of key enterprises in Lingang District in recent years, the transformations of urban communities,Afreshperspectiveontheevolutionof grass-roots governance and theenhancementof people'slivelihoods.

  Simultaneously, 27 participating teamsentertainedusin the Lingang District Management Committee Square and Caomiaozi Grand Collection.The traditional folk custom "Dahuo Bao"standsasalovelypostcard for the cultural promotion of Lingang District.It not only showcases thedistinctcharm of traditional culture,Butalsoexhibitthe fruitfuloutcomesof the town's economic and socialendeavoursintheirentirety.

  Lingang Districtwarmlywishedeveryone a happy family and ajubilantSmall New Year!

  (通讯员 曲馨宇)