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Using Zongzi as a medium to promote cultural exchanges between China and Pakistan

中共曹县县委宣传部2024-06-20 10:17

  As the Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, on thisspecial day, Mr. Hu Yaning, executive Vice president of jiluAssociation of Brazil, actively organized a zongzi makingcompetition in Sao Paulo, Brazil, aiming to promote theinternational spread of Chinese culture and let local residents in Brazil have a deeper understanding andexperience of the unique charm of the Dragon BoatFestival, a traditional Chinese festival.

  On the day of the competition, the activity room ofJilu Association of Brazil was full of excitement. Residentsfrom different backgrounds and cultures came togetherto take part in the fun and cultural event. Vice PresidentHu Yaning personally guided everyone on how to preparezongzi leaves, wax-rice, bean paste and other ingredients,and explained in detail the skills and historicalbackground of zongzi making.

  With the official start of the competition, the atmosphere reached a climax. Participants tried their hand at making zongzi, some long and thin, others round, each with its own characteristics. Infected by the warm atmosphere, the audience joined in making zongzi.

  In addition to the zongzi making competition, several interactive sessions were set up at the scene. Vice President Hu Yaning introduced the origin, customs and symbolic significance of the Dragon Boat Festival, and displayed various exquisite traditional crafts of the Festival. Through these activities, the audience not onlylearned about the broad and profound Chinese culture,but also felt the warmth and friendship of the Chinese people.

  The success of the event has been fully recognized by local Brazilian residents, many of whom in Sao Paulo said that by participating in the event, they have a deeper understanding of the charm of traditional Chinese festival culture and a greater love for this dynamic and diverse world.

  Hu Yaning, vice president, said that as executive vice president of the Jilu Association of Brazil, he has the responsibility and obligation to promote Chinese culture in Brazil. in the future, he will continue to organize more similar activities to let more people know and love Chinese culture and promote cultural exchanges and cooperation between China and Brazil, Hu said.