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大众网2024-06-21 08:45

  大众网记者 王彬 宁晓洁 威海报道


  The Summer Solstice is the tenth solar term in the traditional Chinese calendar and was the first to be determined.


  On this day, the noon sun is almost directly overhead at the Tropic of Cancer. Usually, an upright pole casts a shadow, but at this time, it does not.


  On this day, the Northern Hemisphere experiences its longest daylight hours, with longer days the further north you go.


  During this period, the agricultural scenes of harvesting and planting unfold progressively.


  Despite the ongoing heavy agricultural activities, farmers still celebrate the harvest and express gratitude to nature.


  The Summer Solstice marks the beginning of midsummer.


  Although the hottest days of the year have not yet arrived, the "dog days of summer" are not far off.


  From the Summer Solstice, after three "Geng" days, we enter the hottest period of the year, known as the "Three Fu Days."


  The main weather characteristics after the Summer Solstice are high temperatures, high humidity, and occasional thunderstorms.


  Just like the "Nine-Nine" count to endure the winter, people also count the days to get through the scorching summer.


  During this time, various activities to cool down are initiated.


  In terms of diet, people start enjoying refreshing foods such as mung bean soup, cold salads, and fruits.


  In many places in Shandong, cold noodles become the preferred choice, especially on the first day of the "dog days," when eating a bowl of cold noodles ensures coolness throughout the summer.


  In Weihai, one can enjoy a bowl of seafood noodles on the Summer Solstice. The savory broth poured over the chewy, smooth noodles makes for a flavorful experience.


  After the Summer Solstice, it won't be long before we enter the hottest "Three Fu Days" of the year.


  It's advisable to go to bed late, get up early, take an appropriate nap, avoid strenuous exercise, and maintain a calm mind, as a calm heart naturally keeps the body cool.


  As the saying goes, "The sun rises in the east and sets in the west; though it seems cloudy, it is still sunny."


  During this time, we experience both intense sunlight and sudden showers, with nature thriving in a vibrant and dynamic manner.


  With the momentum of the summer harvest and vigorous vitality, we can also look forward to a prosperous new year.