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The beauty of Hanfu in Galway Park lreland

中共曹县县委宣传部2024-06-21 10:37

  A Hanfu exhibition has kicked off in lreland's picturesque Garway Park. The event not only attracted the attention of many Hanfu lovers and lovers of history and culture, but also gave tourists from all over the world a chance to experience the charm of traditional Chinese culture up close.

  At the event, lrish Hanfu lovers dressed in exquisite Hanfu strolled around the park, like envoys traveling through time and space, bringing ancient traditional Chinese costumes to a foreign land. As an important part of traditional Chinese culture, Hanfu, with its unique charm and profound cultural heritage, won bursts of applause and admiration from the audience.It is understood that the Hanfu exhibition activity aims to show the charm of traditional Chinese clothing to international friends in an intuitive way, while promoting and inheriting traditional Chinese culture. The organizers carefully selected the representative styles of Hanfu from each dynasty, from the gorgeous court dresses to the elegant literati elegant dresses, all of which showed the diversity and richness of Hanfu culture.

  During the exhibition, fans of Hanfu not only showed the wearing skills and matching methods of Hanfu, but also introduced the historical origin, cultural connotation and production techniques of Hanfu to the audience,Many of the audience said that through the event, they have a deeper understanding of Hanfu culture and more love and respect for traditional Chinese culture.

  In addition to the Hanfu display, an interactive experience area was also set up at the event, so that interested audiences could try on Hanfu in person and feel the unique charm of this ancient costume.The Hanfu exhibition has received strong support from local Hanfu lovers and garment industry personnel.The event organizer said that the high-quality Hanfu provided by Cao County, Shandong province, will let more people know and love traditional Chinese culture, and promote the exchange and integration of Chinese and Western cultures. In Galway Park, a scenic spot where nature and culture mingle, the display of Hanfu culture undoubtedly adds a touch of bright color to the land.