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Overseas Cultural Ambassador of Chengwu County: Spreading the Fragrance of Chinese Books and Building Friendship Bridges Toge

中共成武县委宣传部2024-07-24 11:46

  In the vibrant city of S ã o Paulo, Brazil, a warm cultural current is quietly surging. Recently, Ding Weitang, the overseas cultural ambassador of Chengwu County, participated in the Chinese book collection activity of Tiantian Overseas Chinese Education School in S ã o Paulo, Brazil with her profound cultural feelings and extraordinary public welfare heart. She used practical actions to send the rain of knowledge and the seeds of culture to the children of overseas Chinese and students who love Chinese culture in Brazil.

  In the early morning of dawn, under the sky of S ã o Paulo, the IPIRANGA campus of Tiantian Overseas Chinese Education School is filled with a unique atmosphere. This is not only a temple of knowledge, but also a bridge connecting the cultural emotions of China and Pakistan. The arrival of Ding Weitang, the overseas cultural ambassador of Chengwu County, has added a more solid foundation to this bridge. She deeply understands that language is the carrier of culture, and books are the beacon of wisdom that can illuminate the path for children to explore Chinese civilization.

  During the event, Ding Weitang personally donated carefully selected Chinese books to the school, covering classic literature, historical stories, popular science knowledge, and other fields, aiming to enrich students' reading horizons and stimulate their strong interest in Chinese culture. The transmission of each book is like a dialogue that transcends time and space, allowing Brazilian children to cross mountains and rivers and feel the cultural charm from the distant East.

  The inheritance and exchange of culture are important ways to enhance mutual understanding and friendship among people from different countries, "said Ding Weitang." I hope that through these books, we can build a bridge of hearts, allowing Brazilian children to better understand and love China, while also promoting in-depth cultural exchanges and cooperation between China and Brazil

  Wang Zhenyu, the principal of Tiantian Overseas Chinese Education School, stated that these valuable Chinese language books will greatly enrich the school's book resources, provide students with more diverse learning materials, and further stimulate their enthusiasm for learning Chinese and Chinese culture.

  In addition, under the leadership of Wang Zhenyu, the principal of Tiantian Overseas Chinese Education School, Ding Weitang also visited the school's classrooms and library, had cordial exchanges with teachers and students, and shared his experiences and insights on spreading Chinese culture overseas. She encourages students to cherish learning opportunities and strive to become inheritors of Chinese culture and ambassadors of friendship between China and Brazil.

  These books not only carry the weight of knowledge, but also carry good wishes for the future friendship between China and Brazil. Let us all look forward to the cultural seeds sown in foreign lands taking root and blossoming into more colorful cultural flowers in the near future, "said Ding Weitang, the overseas cultural ambassador of Chengwu County.