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The Oryol Administrative College of Russia has set off an upsurge of calligraphy culture learning

中共曹县县委宣传部2024-07-24 11:40

  Recently, in the Administrative College of Oryol, Russia, a unique calligraphy culture learning activity is being carried out in full swing, attracting the active participation of many teachers and students.

  At the activity site, pens, ink, paper and inkstones were neatly placed, and the strong atmosphere of Chinese calligraphy came. Li, a Chinese calligraphy teacher, is smiling, his eyes are full of his love for calligraphy and his expectations for his students.

  Teacher Li first introduced the development of Chinese calligraphy, the characteristics of different fonts and the cultural significance of calligraphy for the teachers and students. His voice is calm and passionate, "from the simple and dignified character of the seal script, the dignified atmosphere of the official script, to the regularity and rigor of the regular script, the smooth and natural running script, and the bold and bold cursive script, each font is like a long volume of history, showing its unique charm."

  In the actual writing link, Teacher Li personally demonstrated, he slightly bent, his arm steadily waved the brush, "students, look, just like this, first hold the pen, and then gently handle the pen." The students were engrossed, their eyes fixed on the teacher's movements, carefully imitating them.

  The student Natasha frowns slightly, carefully holding the brush, writing one stroke at a time, and muttering: "This is not easy, but it is very interesting!" "I feel like I'm making art!" said Alexander.

  A student named Ivan lamented, "Calligraphy looks simple, but actually writing it is challenging, but it is also very interesting. By writing Chinese characters, I feel like I have touched the deep connotation of Chinese culture."

  This calligraphy cultural learning activity not only let the teachers and students of Oryol Administrative College of Russia personally feel the charm of Chinese calligraphy, but also built a new bridge for Sino-Russian cultural exchanges. It is believed that in the future, there will be more such cultural exchanges, so that the cultural integration between China and Russia will be deeper and the friendship between the two countries will be more profound.