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Foreign friends visiting Heze intangible cultural heritage

牡丹区委宣传部2024-07-26 09:30

  In order to inherit and promote excellent traditional Chinese culture, and enhance foreign friends' understanding of Chinese traditional culture, the Beicheng Street Office recently invited foreign friends to study day at the University Science and Technology Park of China Academy of Art (Heze), experience Chinese traditional culture, and feel the charm of intangible cultural heritage.

  Entering the Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum of the Science and Technology Park, visitors are immediately attracted by a wide variety of intangible cultural heritage exhibits: Caozhou root carvings, Caozhou porcelain carvings, wheat straw paintings, Heze clay sculptures, Caozhou bronze carvings... Under the guidance of the guide, these intangible cultural heritage exhibits present the local cultural heritage of Heze, showcasing exquisite folk crafts and colorful folk history, leaving foreign friends in awe.

  Under the guidance of the guide, everyone also visited the Wanhua Lake Art Museum, where paintings and calligraphy featuring peony elements showcased the beauty of Heze peonies and helped foreign friends cultivate their sentiments. Afterwards, following the guide, everyone entered the "Little Forbidden City". The entire design theme here is based on the calligraphy and painting related to peonies within the Palace Museum, as well as some scenes. Listening to the translation teacher's explanation, foreign friends expressed a feeling of time travel.

  Intangible cultural heritage accumulates the vicissitudes of time and carries the Chinese civilization. Through this day reading experience activity, foreign friends were able to embrace traditional Chinese culture, immerse themselves in the charm of Chinese cultural and technological innovation, and appreciate the profound heritage of China's intangible cultural heritage. Next, Beicheng Street will continue to carry out various cultural exchange activities, allowing foreign friends to learn more about traditional Chinese culture and spread the stories of Chinese intangible cultural heritage.